Sunday, June 5, 2011

Last wish

Let me dream a little, while I rest my weary heart
In your lap, while I look at the stars as they wink at me
Safe in the comfort that tomorrow will dawn a brand new day
You stroke my hair and I feel the diamonds cascade from the riverside

When I close my eyes Im reassured which way to go in these better times
Soft and sweet on the breeze the sounds of my memories release to mingle with the stars
I follow the southern winds to the places I believe will realign my years
Hand in hand and step in step to get where my heart rose all those years ago

Following somebody else brought me to these secret fields
Grasses yellowed swaying softly on the hushed words of a lovers sigh
A place of serenity as I long to be with you
I plead, let me live my last dream as I tighten my grip on your hand for the ever

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