Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A visit

A Visit
by Adrian Giannini
In a dreamlike state you visited me
Touched kissed and caressed I dare not open my eyes for fear For this cannot be real A breathe unlike any other upon my soul Warm and sensual feathers toy with my being Unmoving I lay enjoying the bliss that envelopes Conscious yet unconscious tingling of senses Trapped in the void in between Mere microns between what is real and not Feeling your weight hover above me All I want is that glimpse Confirmation of what is believed to be true Yet questions and doubts remain Formulated by beliefs that constrain Nothing unreal can be true Yet I know I’ve been visited by you Awaken at those thoughts worked through Eyes open to reveal an empty room Yet on the pillow beside me Lies but a single strand
© Adrian AIDZ Giannini 2010

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