Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lost in forevers embrace

I alone with the muse can dance forever

Allow me to carry these dreams silently

Wrapped in tears 

Befallen from your jade eyes


Thoughts held in my heart

Tenderly caress

Any false hope that appeared lost


For all times I carried your pain

Dressed in latin upon a wrist

Kissed on the bliss of a harlequin moon


Forgive the Jester as he mocks

Laughter hides his darkness

Buried deep in a fragile mind


Dance as only two misjudged can

Lost in their silence

Lost in forevers embrace

© 2013 Adrian AIDZ Giannini



Brian Miller said...

what does the jester know anyway...let them misjudge...there is a nice tenderness in this one sir...the carrying of anothers pain is a noble thing...

henna ink said...

Wow, I love this:

"For all times I carried your pain
Dressed in latin upon a wrist"

All the way down from there, is especially good.