A symphony of dragonflies
Drifting on the summer eve’s air
Crystal glimmers
On the sheen of filagree wings
Warm breath of summers song
Eases the dark
Lifting from a forlorn heart
Slowly fingers caress the air
Trace the patterns of the dragonflies bliss
Memories drift in
Shifting on the wing
I can be at peace
If the world allows
Allow me to drink in natures kiss
A place I prefer to be left between
Not the one I now lie crestfallen in
To allow it all to begin again
To end it all would be to plunge this knife
Drift into the void of an easy life
And to live in paradise forever
Shadows hang in mischievous grins
To hide from the world screaming within
Try not to listen to the shouts begin
I shed a tear as the blade breaks skin
Vermillion stains my darkened hair
I gasp as my last glimpse is a dragons filagree wing
the below are disqus.com comments which I have now removed due to to many errors and not showing past comments
"I can be at peace
If the world allows
Allow me to drink in natures kiss"
This seemed so clear that I felt horrified by the end, when still drinking in the bliss, your character expires with the dragon in sight! O, depression that turns the loveliest dragon fly into a very unstable dragon.
This drifted into a surprising direction. Second half quite a juxtaposition against the first half. Nicely done.
There was a turn from the summer peace and bliss to the shadowy world of tears and stains ~ Enjoyed the visit ~
(aka Heaven)
I can be at peace
If the world allows
Allow me to drink in natures kiss
...There is such a strong message here.
This seemed mysterious, dream- like. I like it! Thanks for sharing this. It has some lovely, if dark, images.
Beautifully articulated. Thank you. xxxooo
Beautiful. Thank you. xoxo
Beautiful. Thank you. xoxo
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