Sunday, May 22, 2011


Sanctimonious selfish son’s of bitches
Wearing crowns of pasts glories
Bathed in coloured halos reflecting reverence
Thinly veiled in opulent regalia

Its the jester that laughs at them not with

Chop the poppies down
Chop Chop

Its the meek that will inherit
If the meek could rise from their apathetic collective arses
Inheriting governance that is brinking on collapse
Corpulate corruption soothes all beasts

Rape and pillage left nothing for less
Tomorrow is un-needed for now it is

For the children
For the kids

Inheritance that is all spent on yesterdays desires
Breathe it in kids for that is what it was
Burdened on the soil and burdened in your hearts
Live for today
As tomorrow is all fucked up

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