Saturday, May 14, 2011


Kiss these fucken lips
Lest I tear yours from your face
With gnarled teeth dripping with blood
And fleshy tendrils exposed form the corner of my mouth

My palms press firmly against your cheeks
As your skin fades to a lesser colour
Ha your pupils dilate
As you look for escape

Whispered tenderly as one can into a hallowed ear
You are mortal now

Your wings
Those glorious fucken wings
Given to you by your maker
Left to rot as others before you
As soon will your carcass
Once I allow your life to leave it

I have the choice here
Not others
I am the one who will decide

Be not I
A man

Cannot I choose my own destiny
Not some visioned deity
Who sends his winged creatures
To tend the righteous path

Fuck that
And fuck you

If we as men
Cease to question
Those in power
We become as corrupt
As they are themselves

So I lay beside you
And stare to the heavens
And await
What those have decided

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