Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I sit and I wait in the shadows/ and the flames still dance reprise

I mourn the muse as she mourns me

Sunday morn

In the dawn

Cool brisk air

Still on the breeze

And I wait


Cup my hands

And blow

Between the thumbs



And I wait


The world goes about waking

I watch

From afar

Barely aware

Of my presence and theirs

And I wait


Dew glistens on a tear drop

The world refracted

In its essence


I watch 

And I wait


It should be soon

Yes soon

I drift in on the time

Counting the droplets in the fog

To pass the while

And I wait


Impressions left in shadows

Places where we had been 

In time

Left to last on a memory


And I wait


I know it will never be the same

How can it?

When you left on the dance of the flame

Our love 

In the forever


In the forever

Entangled in the shadows and mists

In the forever

In the last dance of a flame

1 comment:

Claudia said...

the world refracted in its how i can feel the mood here..