The muse watches from a distance
Starlight in silver captured in cusped hands
Harlequins breath in colours of cocaine splendor
Hands reaching from beyond the looking glass
Sprinkle gold dust on the footfall of the betrothed
Liquid butterflies resplendent in eloquent vowels
Tasty morsels lick around the profound
Nails in black painted from the sky in eons of jade
Silver dollars line the streets paved in cobblestone footprints
Dilly daddle a prose of angels
Silken knives slice the airs sweet grace
Eyes dreamt of diamonds reflect a sweet void
If I kiss you in Paris will it be all to late
Liquid butterflies resplendent in eloquent vowels
Tasty morsels lick around the profound
nice...wicked flow to this man...and a vicious muse you got...kiss and let the chips fall where they may...
oh i like...most the kiss in paris..but also the whole feeling of this...the liquid butterflies, the black painted nails from the sky...great line adrian..and ikea poem is up...and i've worked your allen key in..smiles
What a build up the that first kiss which may never happen... this is a grand philosophy of now: best followed when it comes to passion.
Great to see your work shared on Real Toads.
breath-taking words and images and the rhythm and rhyme I adore.
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