Saturday, November 24, 2012


The muse suffers alone whilst I listen in the wind

Resting in the drift and flow of a thousand suns

Bask in the shine of a cerebral thought 

Until two become one and divide by the night from day


Rest your head on my chest and breath a while 

Lengthen the rust stains of life brushed on a pure white canvas

Walk between respect and trust as the demons bay in your thoughts 


Deceit drips in dozens

Ambiguity colours self control


Before the storm comes

Rains will wash this skin 


In kisses of vermillion ink


Walk in my dreams

Another taste of you


Generously savor this skin






Platted in your hair

Silken threads of gold

Glisten till yesterday comes

Silver tears congeal in the dust

Staining the earth red


Between the crevices a solitary heartbeat rests

Found only by those who bleed the same as you

Distant though my heartbeat beats sliced on treason


Uncomfortable when you gaze upon a clear day

Anxious at the premise that presents itself in these shadows

Apprehensive at the meeting when lovers cross the dimensions


Restless I begin 

Restless I end

Restless I cut this skin deep

Restless I lick this rusty blade

Restless I slice this tongue in obscure patterns

Restless in the blood I bleed for you






Jinksy said...

Apprehensive at the meeting when lovers cross the dimensions

I guess we can all identify with this moment...

Jinksy said...

(BTW I think you mean 'plaited'? Maybe a bit of a quick edit?)

Kerry O'Connor said...

If only we could contain the moment of contentment found resting on a loved one's chest, for the more restless times in life.

Brian Miller said...

whew....quite vivid and intense, especially toward the end...a bit manic....and wild...