Saturday, March 10, 2012

She is beautiful

Is the muse tattoo'd?


She is beautiful

But she struggles

To find the time to breathe

Dressed in all the shadows

Of a distant make-believe


And you can hear

A mandolin

Try to hide her scream

In her reflection

A smudged and torrid


Pincushion to a world

Succumbed to a vision

In alabaster white

Dance steps


The checked floor


She wants to hide it all

Slick guitar licks

Unbutton and gyrate

Unfocussed attention

She keeps bleeding

In love

In the dark

In the speckled light of the mirror ball

As her skin

Is tattoo’d in a dapple light

Of hearts

All the one dollar bills


And drink in the ambiance

Of a stained carpet

And liquid loves


For a twenty minute fantasy

Riding on her dreams

While they walk out the door


To the beauty

That lies within

And smudges

Her lipstick on their collars

Blended with her perfume

As her spirit bleeds

She is beautiful


Brian Miller said...

hard life being a dancing lady, earning your dollars by selling your flesh...she is beautiful but doesnt know it often...and it fades pretty quick under the lights on that stage...

really like...

As her skin

Is tattoo’d in a dapple light

Of hearts

Audrey Howitt aka Divalounger said...

Tough life--you capture the tragedy of it--the invisibility of it--Great write A

hedgewitch said...

We all twist in the pole dance of life--whether we think we're there to titillate or not--your tip jar should definitely be filled for this one. Perhaps under the modern ink and the shifting light marks, some of the old blue tattoos of the goddess are hidden.

Claudia said...

so tough ...the mandolin hiding her screams, dressed in shadows...and will she ever manage to walk out into the sunshine again...very well written adrian..

Anonymous said...

I have to say, this poem is one of your take fragility and emotion and infuse it with passionate wording and imagery, good sir...this is haunting and I mean literally! I have dwelt on this piece since! xoxo

Scarlet said...

You write very well...this is well have captured a harlot's dance and her liquid loves...she is beautiful as you say ~

Thanks for sharing your writing ~