Saturday, November 12, 2011

one more

one hand

one heart

that I touch

for one more night

I’ll serenade you in a dream

From the bar room in heavens waiting room

While St Peter serves me another tequila n lime

And the angels play pool with the demons

While Jimi screams out Voodoo Child from the stage

I strike up another doobie

And vanish in the smoke haze

Wishing it was all it could be

one hand

one heart

that I touch

for one more night


Brian Miller said... quite the crowd in that bar...i envision the opening and closing refrain as sung...

Pat Hatt said...

Wonderulf verse, realy liked the repetition, nicely done!

hedgewitch said...

I'm right with you there. Wishing, watching the angels and demons play pool(and maybe Somebody shooting craps) and Jimi, with a Slight Return. Think there may be some reggae in there somewhere, too.

My kind of heaven.