Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hang your kisses on a rainbow

And you heart upon the moon

Draw the one you love in close

They will leave far too soon


Listen to their confessions

Printed words upon a page

Paint me a postcard

Live a full life upon the stage


Speak to them in hushed whispers

Wake before the dawn

Share the morning sunrise

For soon they will be gone


Cherish each and every moment

If it where to be your last

Melt in each others memories

Share the dew drops from the same glass


Champagne coloured moonbeams

Wash across the land

Awake the world to new life

Its as if all this was planned


Tomorrow may be fading

But yesterdays yet been

I have you in a photograph

A beauty never seen


Hang your kisses on a rainbow

And you heart upon the moon

Wash away the teardrops

And close the door to his room

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